The Foundation for Continuing Justice's Expungement Clearinghouse project helps solve the serious and widely reported problem of judicially cleared records continuing to appear on private sector background checks. Anyone who has had their record expunged, sealed or otherwise cleared can request that the Foundation update the background check companies that participate in the Expungement Clearinghouse project, which will effectively remove the record from more than 500 sources of private sector background checks.

“I believe our criminal justice system is broken, and those who are trying to move on from their past record are suffering because of it. I am beyond proud to be part of an organization that actively works to implement solutions, advocate for change, and serve the underserved.”
- Kelsey ZahnerCOMMUNITY RELATIONS DIRECTOR at The Foundation For Continuing Justice

“I am firm in my belief that people who make mistakes deserve the opportunity for a second chance. My work with the Foundation consists of some of the most fulfilling experiences I have had the chance to be a part of.”
- Paul HechtLEGAL AFFAIRS DIRECTOR at The Foundation For Continuing Justice

“I believe that our justice system is in desperate need for reform and everyone deserves a second chance at a good life.”
- Alice BeggFINANCE OFFICER at The Foundation For Continuing Justice

“"I work for the Foundation for Continuing Justice to ensure people have a second chance to achieve good things in life for themselves and their families.”
- Blake PerezLEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS ANALYST at The Foundation For Continuing Justice
Please consider donating to help keep these services running so that we can continue to help former offenders reintegrate back into society:
Criminal Database Update Online Form Submission
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